Dave Miscampbell

Here we see the wild dog-cow - grazing on a summer’s evening

Here we see the wild dog-cow - grazing on a summer’s evening #borderterrier

Sunday night excitement

Sunday night excitement #jigsaw #puzzle #f1

It’s very green this time of year

It’s very green this time of year #edinburgh



In the UK’s EU referendum, the Leave side pushed the false claim that the UK sent £350m a week to the EU. It is hard to think of a previous example in modern western politics of a campaign leading with a transparent untruth, maintaining it when refuted by independent experts, and going on to triumph anyway. That performance was soon to be eclipsed ... Read more

#edinburgh #nofilter #nofilterrequired

The Falls of Bruar

The Falls of Bruar

Last week I was on holiday (so no blogging) however, on my return it appears my photography skills were substantially improved by Google Photos. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke --- Clarke's Three Laws

Hans Rosling

Hans Rosling

I like to listen to podcasts. Specifically, in the past 3 days podcasts which I am subscribed to and listen to regularly have published 24 hours of listening material. Fortunately, I've perfected the art of listening at double speed to most of the them which does save a big bunch of time. Today, I listened to a special edition of More or Less which ... Read more

NWebSec and Content Security Policies

NWebSec and Content Security Policies

Today I stumbled across an excellent open source library called NWebSec Basically, the main goal of the project is to make setting Security Headers in ASP.NET applications super easy. And it is. The NuGet package adds a bunch of things to your web.config and then the docs at http://docs.nwebsec.com explain everything super clearly. If you're in nee ... Read more

NHibernate, IsInitialized and Lazy Loading

NHibernate, IsInitialized and Lazy Loading

This week I had a situation where I had a child object which could have been loaded from my database using NHibernate or which could have already been loaded. My default configuration is to lazy load the child object, however, it was actually quite a complex object so I had a more complex DB query to fetch it from the database. However, if I alread ... Read more

Shaking Hands with Death

Shaking Hands with Death

It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life. Terry Pratchett --- The Last Continent, 1998 Last night I watched the BBC documentary, Back In Black which is about the life of Terry Pratchett. I've always admired his was with words and the quote I've included above always makes me think. It's ... Read more